Consulting services for Artists & Organizations

Services for Organizations

Are you a Director or Board Member of a visual arts organization in need of guidance? Is your organization scaling up? Moving in a new direction? Anticipating changes to staff roles and structure? Looking to increase or deepen engagement?

I will apply my 15+ years of management and cultural sector experience to creating workable solutions for your organization.

Services include: organizational audits; executive coaching; advising on cloud-based database solutions; short-term and long-term strategy development; membership retention and growth strategy; social media strategy and implementation; and incorporating IDEA work into all operational facets.

Services for Visual Artists

Career Planning: I will meet with you - online or in-person - for a 90 minute consultation to discuss your professional goals, and create a basic framework for your one-year plan | Fee: $250

Artist statement editing | Fee: $100

Curatorial services - including artwork selection and layout, wall label creation, and publicity planning | Fee: starting at $100 per hour

Writing services - including catalog essays, website and social media content | Fee: starting at $100 per hour

Portfolio Preparation and Editing: I will work with you to curate a portfolio for fellowship and grant applications, portfolio review opportunities, and your website. Service starts with an initial 90-minute consultation | Fee: starting at $250